Self-Compassion for Smarties: Your Resources for Further Exploration

This month, DRIVEN is asking you to explore Self-Compassion as a means of achieving Clarity. Some fundamentals of Self-Compassion that we’ve looked at in detail are Journaling, the Growth Mindset, and keeping tabs on your Inner Critic. Last week’s blog article is designed to take a deep dive into Self-Compassion as it relates to your resilience, productivity, career progression and your overall well-being.

If you’ve been along for the journey, and you’d like to consider some additional avenues of Self-Compassion, I have compiled some of my favorite resources for further reading, listening and watching. This lagniappe includes related DRIVEN articles from prior years and our favorite books/podcasts/videos on the topic. Some of these links related to Clarity through Self-Compassion will also link you to additional resources therein. Explore them, and then reach out to us. We’d love to hear what resonates with you in these areas!

For Watching:

Guy Winch’s TED Talk: We waste no time thinking about physical first aid, but we often forget how important Emotional First Aid is. Psychologist Guy Winch’s TED Talk is a must-watch to illustrate to us (recovering) perfectionists how we are bridling ourselves from living our greatest potential.

Tara Brach’s Meditation….The RAIN of Self-Compassion: Psychologist, author and Buddhist meditation specialist Tara Brach concludes an important talk by guiding us through this 10-minute meditation about the RAIN of Self-Compassion (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture).

For Listening:

The Bruce Lee Podcast: Did you know that besides being an astoundingly graceful martial artist, Bruce Lee was also an important philosopher? His daughter hosts a weekly podcast that shares the philosophies of this wise man who left us all too soon. An episode exploring compassion was especially moving and relevant.

DRIVEN's Podcasts on Self-Compassion: Deborah Goldstein recently interviewed two industry peers to learn about their journeys toward self-compassion: Tortoise Institute founder Tracy Fink and executive coach & consultant Lisa Hart both had practical and effective advice for achieving self-compassion in your life.

For Reading:

More Emotional First-Aid: Guy Winch is back, this time with a quick and deeply meaningful TED-related article in which he gives us 7 ways to practice emotional first aid, since after all, emotional injuries can be just as crippling as physical ones.


The Proven Power of Being Kind To Yourself by Kristin Neff: “Using solid empirical research, personal stories, humor and dozens of practical exercises, Dr. Neff—the world’s leading experts on self-compassion—shows readers how to heal the wounds of the past so that they can be healthier, happier and more effective.” Find the book HERE.

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown: “A transformative new vision for the way we lead, love, work, parent and educate that teaches us the power of vulnerability.” Find the book HERE.

Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection by Sharon Salzberg: “From one of the world’s foremost experts on lovingkindness meditation comes a field guide for those seeking awakened living in the 21st century.” Find the book HERE.

10% Happier: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics by Dan Harris: “This book is filled with game-changing and incredibly practical meditation instructions.” Find the book HERE.

DRIVEN’s Website as a Fantastic Resource: We’ve written quite a bit about Self-Compassion. Give yourself the gift of 20 minutes and catch up on some of our highlights:

An actual event—one messy mistake that took serious self-compassion to get through.

If you’re not kind to yourself— you can’t show true compassion for others.

A Self-Compassion Primer—Mental Energy Maintenance through Staying Present.

Don’t Knock Self-Compassion— it’s the key to Emotional Wellbeing.

More, More!:

The Kristin Neff Website: If you’d like to explore more about Self-Compassion, check out the website developed by one of the world’s leading experts on the subject: Kristin Neff.

The Self-Compassion Assessment Tool: How Self-Compassionate are you? Find out by taking the ultimate online Self-Compassion test, developed by Kristin Neff. Answer 26 questions and get your score!

Is Coaching for you? Are you ready for it? Sign up HERE for a 15-minute Complimentary Coaching Consult to find out.


Clarity Through Visualization


Can You Afford To Skimp On Self-Compassion?